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Extensive Health Care For Your Pets

Trust Your Local Veterinarians For Extensive Health Care For Your Pets

Having a family vet phoenix az, one that you can trust, is essential in providing your pets with the best health and wellness services for a happy and long life. Your veterinarian specialist treasure lake pa at Alpha Animal Hospital have all the expertise your precious pets will ever need. Whether it be dental care, x-rays, vaccinations, and deworming, surgery or nutritional guides, there are caring professionals who can assist in the longevity and happiness of your pets. Unfortunately, it is an inevitable part of life that our pets will someday leave us, so ensuring they have the best life while with us is the best gift of love and compassion you could ever give them.

When you think of pet wellness, images of dogs running along the beach or cats rolling around with balls of yarn may come to mind, but comprehensive wellness encompasses a lot more than what we see on the outside. Animals are instinctively secretive about their health because weakness makes them an easy target for predators. Even for domestic animals, this predisposition is fundamentally embedded in their DNA. That is why dogs will typically find a quiet and secluded place to pass away, usually in crawl spaces or other similar places around your property. For this very reason, owners may not be aware of any illness or discomfort their pets are experiencing, but by visiting your local veterinarians regularly, you can be assured that the health of your pet is one hundred percent accounted for and recorded. 

What Your Vet Can Do For Your Pets

Our pets need many requirements from when they are born through to their final days, and their health care will substantially determine their quality of life. Professional veterinary services are a must-have for your pets, from early core vaccination to treating arthritis or dental problems. Here are a few fundamental care services that you can rely on from your trusted animal hospital:

  • Digital Xrays - in the case of a high force trauma, such as a car accident, digital x rays provide a full accounting of your pet’s skeletal structure and identifies fractures, dislocations and breaks. Without a proper exam, your pet will suffer from immense pain and may develop life-long complications without immediate resolve. In addition, your pet’s quality of life will be drastically reduced as they are forced to put pressure on the injured limb or joint.
  • Pet Identification - micro-chipping has become an essential service for the safety of your pet. Unfortunately, many pets, especially dogs, either run away, get lost, or are stolen from your property for trade or fighting. Micro-chipping allows for easy identification of your pets so they can be reunited with their family. 
  • Vaccinations - preventing diseases is paramount for both animals and humans alike. Infectious diseases like rabies, leptospirosis, canine distemper, and cat flu are easily prevented with early core vaccines. 
  • Surgery - there are many reasons your pet may need surgery; whether they have ingested something that has lodged itself in their digestive tract or are struggling with a tumour, surgery services are available from your local veterinarians and may save your pet’s life. 
  • Dental care - we all love it when our dogs give us a comedic smile, but what lies beneath the surface is usually undetected. Dental radiology gives a full view of your pet’s teeth and jawbone to assess the health and condition of their pearly whites. In addition, proper dental hygiene is important to prevent gum disease and tartar build-up, so brush your pet’s teeth regularly and always provide fresh and clean water.

Giving your pets the best life starts with regular visits to your local veterinarians. Alpha Animal Hospital offers a wide range of services and works tirelessly to give your pets the best chance of a happy and healthy life.