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Porcellionides pruinosus, often known as Powder Orange Isopods

Species with a glow that are a really vivid orange!  The essential component of any bio-active enclosing system!  This is a species of fast-growing, moderately-sized isopod that does exceptionally well in a variety of vivarium environments.  Beneficial for decomposing faecal matter as well as rotting plant matter and organic trash.

Powder orange isopods for sale - A minimum of 12 isopods at varying stages of development are included in each order when you buy isopods.  In addition, we provide you with a culture starter cup. This cup contains both medium and small bits of food, and it is designed to house the isopods if you do not intend to put them directly to your vivarium.

Why is it essential to maintain a population of isopods in the terrarium?

The practise of maintaining isopods in terrariums has come a long way in recent years, and at this point we can confidently call it a triumphant advance. The ingenious early decomposers convert excrement, uneaten food, and plant remnants into humus, which eliminates the potential for mould growth on the substrate.

In addition to this, they stop the development of mites and establish a self-sustaining environment within the terrarium. Because of this, isopods are frequently utilised in the role of ground police in terrariums. Buy isopods species that have a high rate of reproduction can also function as both ground police and clean-up crews, in addition to being feeders. They are an excellent source of calcium, and in addition, they protect against rickets.

The species diversity of terrestrial isopods is extremely high, and it is possible to locate an appropriate species of isopod to fulfil practically any demand placed on isopods for terrariums. When conducting a search, the climate zone or nation of origin are key indicators to consider.

Isopods for terrariums serving as live exhibits

The keeping of isopods as show animals is becoming increasingly popular as a result of the practically endless range of species available as well as the colour mutations that can occur in a wide variety of isopods. You won't be bothered while you watch how these fascinating crustaceans behave, and you can also choose the colour mutations to look for. There is essentially no limit to the number of designs that may be implemented in a terrarium, so you can let your imagination go wild.

The amount of time necessary is also kept to a minimum while the space needs are kept to a minimum. Isopods make fantastic pets for children and young people due to their low maintenance requirements and fun personalities.

How difficult or easy is it to care for isopods?

The white rot and fermented leaves that woodlice feed on are the primary components of their diet. Woodlice are the first decomposers. For this reason, the substrate ought to be made up of one third white rotted wood and two thirds forest humus. The top layer ought to be made up of fermented leaves and other types of greenery. In this way, both the substrate and the food supply are taken care of at the same time.

The interior is covered with cork bark, which provides a hiding spot, and cuttlebone, which provides a supply of calcium. Isopods do not require a large amount of room, and you can get started with them by keeping them in small terrariums or boxes with a capacity of 5 litres.