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What To Know When Leash Training Your Cat

Most cats crave control and routine, and do whatever they want when they want. In this vein, they usually do not like being contained or controlled. You may not have considered leash training your cat until now. However, cats will keep you guessing, and once they get used to being in a harness, it can be a very enjoyable experience.

The best time to train a cat is when the cat is still young, as he or she will be less fearful of a new experience. But you can definitely train an adult cat of any age to enjoy walking on a leash. You may be asking yourself why you would want to train your cat to walk on a leash in the first place. The Refined Feline has outlined 5 main reasons to consider leash training your cat.

#1 Leash Training Can Bring You Together

Ever wish you had your trusty cat sidekick with you when you go for a walk? Once you get your cat trained he or she totally can, and it will be a lot of fun for the two of you. Cats love to sit on their cat condo and gaze out the window every day so they’ll most likely enjoy getting out and exploring their surroundings and getting some fresh air.

If you’re used to walking a dog, remember that you should approach leash training your cat differently. You will want to get your cat used to a cat harness indoors first, before ever taking them outside. This process can take some time, depending on how quickly your cat gets comfortable. Make sure to use equipment specifically for cats, and don’t use anything intended for small dogs. Make sure to choose a quiet and calm environment when you do go outside, and don’t wander too far from home.

#2 Your Cat Will Be In Nature More Often

Keeping your cat indoors protects them from the many threats of outdoor life, as many cat owners already know. However, you may wonder if they still wish to explore the great outdoors. While they can certainly be happy indoors all the time, exposure to nature can be beneficial for any creature! Being leash trained, cats can get their daily dose of nature in a safe, controlled manner. It also gives you more of an incentive to get outside. Leash training your cat is a helpful way to give an indoor cat the best of both worlds. 

#3 Leash Trained Cat, Can Travel

Traveling with your cat can be done with a harness, but it’s much more risky. Leash training your cat will make your lives easier and safer if you frequently travel together. Traveling by plane can be the most stressful, as you’ll most likely have to take your cat out of the carrier at security; this is much safer with a leash on. Even driving, any length or mileage, will be much easier if your cat is in a harness and secure inside. No matter the new environment your cat is in, having him or her in a harness is overall safer. Cats can become distracted or scared quickly, and can be more likely than dogs to bolt at any moment. It’s always a smart idea to have a way to control your cat and help keep your cat safe.

#4 Leash Training Is Enrichment For Your Cat’s Life

Dogs get an opportunity to smell new things and explore new territory while out on walks. Exploring and walking also stimulates them, giving dogs an opportunity to release extra energy. All this can be the same situation for your cat too. Why should dogs have all the fun exploring the great outdoors? Cats would enjoy exploring the outdoors just as much, and when you leash train them, the world is their oyster!

#5 Leash Training Your Cat Works For Apartment Living

If you live in an apartment, chances are you know how important extra running space is for your cat. If they are comfortable on a leash, you can simply gear them up and take them around the grounds for exploration. Leash training also gives you much more flexibility when living somewhere that does not have a fence or catio for your cat to roam.

Be Safe & Cautious When Leash Training Your Cat

Be vigilant and wary when taking your cat outside on a leash. Be sure to stick to a backyard or small private area where encountering any loud noises are slim. Walking around busy areas could lead you and your cat to encounter dogs, some of whom may not be cat friendly. In case your cat starts to get nervous, have a cat backpack or carrier with you for safe transport. Walking a cat on a leash comes with responsibility and safety for both you and your cat.

Is Leash Training Right For Your Cat?

Now is the time to ask yourself if your cat is ready for leash training. Dog owners haven’t had to give walking their dogs a second thought. It’s finally time for the feline population to share in the fun if they so choose. Leash training is a fabulous way to free the adventurous nature of your indoor cat while keeping them happy, healthy, and stimulated.

Before bringing your indoor cat outdoors, make sure their vaccines are up-to-date, and have the correct identification tags on. You should also ensure that your cat is microchipped just in case your cat gets away from you. Once this checklist is done though, enjoy exploring and walking with your cat!