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Ultimate Guide To Relocate Your Pet Internationally

Are you planning to move to other countries for a job or other choices? It needs proper planning and precautions. The problem becomes more complex if you carry a pet. Moving internationally with your pet is an easy task and stressful for both of you. Proper planning can make the process easy. Pet Transport Service offers the most reliable service in Dallas. It's crucial to follow some steps before you send them in transport. Follow these expert pieces of advice for the safety of your four-legged pet.

Here Is What A Pet Owner Should Know

·       Microchip

The most vital step to relocating your pet is to embed a microchip. The microchip is a small chip that is embedded in between the shoulder blades of the animal. It is a must criterion in some the countries like Dallas. Don't worry about the process; it's painless and takes a few seconds. A microchip can get the pet's health records, vaccines, and owner's contact information. A vet checks all the information before you transfer your pet by scanning the microchip.

·       Import Requirements

The second important step is to know all the requirements of the Country where you want to send your pet. Every Country follows different import criteria. So to avoid any complications, it's best to acknowledge the pet import requirements.

·       Country Categories

Countries are labeled into three groups per that region's rabies status: rabies-free countries, rabies-controlled and high-rabies countries. If your Country and the Country you want to transport fall under the same category, then the process is the same. At the same time, if the government falls under high risk, the process is completed. In Pet Transport Dallas, Tx, rules are followed strictly.

·       Vaccinations

At the time of relocating, you have to present a record of your pet's vaccinations. Rabies and DHLPP are compulsory vaccination in international travel. Depending on the Country you wish to move to, your pet can get additional vaccines like canine influenza, coronavirus, and Lyme.

·       Rabies Titre Test

Every Country, especially high-risk countries, requires RNAT (Rabies Neutralising Antibody Titre) report. It indicates the level of antibodies in the dog or cat's body. The test report is valid for 30 days.

Finale Takeaway

It is challenging to shift your loving pets; as an owner, you must undergo tons of paperwork and documentation. A reliable Pet Transport Service can help you to transfer your dearest pet safely and conveniently.