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How to Take Good Care of Your Horse Rug

Rugs are essential to keeping your horse comfortable and dry in the field. They are water-repellent and breathable, allowing your horse to adapt to changes in temperature. You must take proper care of them to continue increase their performance and lifespan.

The importance of keeping your horse rug clean 

Proper maintenance of the rug is essential for not only the horse's wellbeing but to ensure your stable rugs last as long as possible. Whenever possible, give the item a thorough wash—either by yourself or with the help of a professional—especially before storing it away or at the end of the season when it is not in use.

To prevent grease buildup, it's a good idea to wipe the inside of turnout rugs used daily or continuously using a damp cloth or sponge. If the rug turns greasy, your horse can develop skin irritation from the underside. There's also a greater chance that their tail, mane, or coat will rub.

How to clean your horse rug

Many horse rugs, especially those made for the winter, could be too large to fit in a typical household washing machine. Therefore, unless you already own a piece of industrial solid equipment that can handle such operations, contacting a specialized horse rug cleaning service could be advisable. This will help ensure the rug is thoroughly cleaned by preventing it from sliding around in the drum.

Read the care directions carefully and use non-biological cleaning solutions when cleaning fly rugs for horses yourself. Biological cleaning methods might irritate the horse's skin and damage the proofing.

No matter how filthy the rugs get, you shouldn't brush it since you run the danger of tearing the fabric. This is particularly relevant to turnout rugs, as cleaning them may damage their proofing.

Storing the horse rug after drying

Always allow rugs to air dry naturally in a well-ventilated space. Give them a thorough air drying outside before storing. Drying them in a dark place is the best way to make sure too much sunlight doesn't damage them. Use caution when using a tumble dryer, as the rug may be harmed by the high temperatures and spinning motion.

Before storing the rug, ensure it is dry, as this could lead to mold formation and the fabric or stitching falling. When not in use, the rugs can be stored in the zipped bag with handles that come with them. Horse rugs should be kept out of direct sunlight and in a cool, dry place to preserve the proofing.

When should the horse rug be cleaned?

It's essential to routinely clean the underside lining of rugs to prevent grease buildup that could irritate your horse's skin. After the season, properly clean the horses saddle and rugs.

Perform this every day or as often as necessary. Make sure to check often because the longer you leave it, the higher the chance of skin irritation and increased cleaning difficulty. Horses naturally create grease in their coats to help keep them looking healthy and shiny, but when this grease builds up and gets between the rug and the horse's skin, it can cause irritation.