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Cat Shedding 5 Easy Steps to Reduce It

It is entirely normal for cats to shed. After all, the hair grows and sheds in cycles, and the dead hair has to fall off. On the other hand, some breeds of cats shed fur more than others.

If you have a Persian, a Ragdoll, or even a British Shorthair, you can expect your cat to shed more than the average cat. However, poor nutrition, lack of grooming, stress, and certain health conditions can exacerbate the problem.

How To Reduce Cat Shedding

Cats will always shed, and longhairs will shed more than shorthaired cats. However, there are a few things you can do to help reduce the amount of cat hair:

Brush Them Regularly

Regularly brushing your cat will remove loose hairs before they get on your couch, carpet, or other soft furnishings. It might even prevent them from bringing up hairballs after grooming.

Also, it keeps the skin and coat healthy by preventing dead skin cells, yeast, and bacteria from building up. Not every cat likes or tolerates brushing, so it's best to get them into the habit early on. Use plenty of treats and positive reinforcement as a reward if your cat won't tolerate brushing.

A regular grooming session at the groomer may be a better idea if you don't have the time to brush your cat as much as it needs.

Maintain a healthy diet for your cat

A well-balanced diet is essential for your pet's health, including the health of their skin and fur. Cats need proteins, vitamins, and minerals to keep their coats glossy and healthy.

You should make sure to feed your cat high-quality, nutritionally complete cat food to prevent poor nutrition from causing a sparse, poor-quality coat and shedding.

Make sure they drink plenty of water.

It is important to make sure your cat drinks plenty of water to keep their coat healthy and reduce shedding. A water drinking fountain or wet food can greatly increase the amount of water your cat drinks.

Make sure your cat doesn't have Dandruff

Similarly to humans, cats can get dandruff, which may be the reason why their fur is thinning. The presence of a small amount of cat dandruff is normal, but if your cat has large amounts of dandruff, they may need veterinary attention.

Consult with your vet

It is normal for cats to shed their fur, especially during seasonal changes. However, if your cat suddenly loses a lot of fur, you should consult your veterinarian as soon as possible.

It can be difficult to remove cat fur from your home, especially if your cat is a heavy shredding breed like Birman or Maine Coon. Using the tips above, you can most likely reduce your cat's shedding.