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Amazing Non Shedding Cat Breeds

If you have a cat allergy, here is some good news: There are a few cats that don't shed. These cat breeds can help you reduce runny nose and itchy eyes and save you money on lint rollers!

·       Sphynx

As a result of a genetic mutation, the Sphynx is a naturally hairless cat and a popular choice for allergy sufferers. Hairless cats require some essential grooming, just like any other cat.

·       Cornish Rex (Rex Cornish)

The coat of the Cornish Rex, which has hair, sheds less than other breeds, and they have short and curly hair. People looking for a playful canine companion for themselves or their other pets may find the Cornish Rex excellent.

·       Devon Rex And Burmese

Devon Rex is a curly-haired breed with a short coat. These cats bond strong with their owners and love attention. If you have allergy issues, visit a doctor before embracing all that love. On the other hand, the Burmese have a shorter, more delicate coat than other breeds. These cats genuinely care about their owners and want to spend as much time with them as possible, but they aren't overbearing.

·       Birman

These cats don't shed, are easy to train, and are comfortable around children and other animals. Because of the breed's non-matting coat and low maintenance requirements, these cat sheds less than you might expect, considering their lusciously fluffy appearance. As a result, Birmans are known for their intelligence, gentleness, and affection.

·       Russian Blue

Known for its gentle temperament and ability to be trained, the Russian Blue is a medium-sized breed with a graceful, muscular build. They have a distinctive silver-blue double coat that is soft and dense. Russian Blues only shed once or twice a year and are simple to groom.

·       Siamese

A fine-tooth comb is needed to maintain the coat of a Siamese cat. When dead hair is removed, it will only shed a small amount of hair in the future. Siamese cats come in various colours and have distinctive blue eyes and large ears. They also have a sleek, slim build and love to socialize.

·       Shorthaired Oriental Cat

Oriental Shorthairs are just as easy to take care of as Siamese Shorthairs. Oriental Shorthairs are long and lean, like Siamese. Still, their coats can be any of more than 300 shades and patterns, including ebony, white, bi-colour, and tabby. Such cats that don't shed are perfect for people with cat allergies.